The farmer’s wife taught the children how cheese was made. A very warm and kind woman that loved children and her work at the farm. Here enthusiasm was really felt and the children behaved lovely and listened to everything she had to say. It’s so nice to meet people that really love what they are doing. They were allowed to taste the cheese and even make one.
Afterwards the children were allowed to explore the farm on their own except from an area the cows walked freely. Only the adults where allowed there the farmer explained. So they were to look at the animals behind the gate.
Miss Sarah, miss Sarah! One of the children shouted.
Yes? I asked as I was walking towards the child.
Look, he is peeing!!
Well, I laughed, first off yes cows also need to pee and second I need to ask you something. Are cows boys or girls?
Both! He said without even thinking.
Really….? So what are bulls?
Boys! He said without thinking again.
I looked at him with exaggerated doubt on my face. So what are cows then?
Booooth! He said irritated…I just said so.
Yes, you did I said, but how can you see when it’s a boy or a girl then?
A boy has horns….
A bull I asked?
So what are cows then because I do not see any horns?
……right at this point he just looked at me really bothered…..
Well he said….boys and some girl’s but it is a man’s world!!
I nearly peed myself like the cow we were watching from laughing.
And he continued we are not to go there! He pointed beyond the gate. Do you know why?
Yes I said I do. Do you know to?
Yes he said. Because we are not human yet…!
I had to run to a toilet at this point…
Have a nice weekend!!