
Thursday, June 3, 2010

7 things about me

I caved in. I will to post a popular list of random things.
Hence the name: 7 things about me. Why 7 things? Because, 6 things turned out to be too little and 8 too much. Enjoy!

1. I love roller coasters. Really love the thrill and the scare. I would love to go to America just to go on the scariest rides of the world.

2. I don’t like being cold. But I also don’t like wearing clothes. Don’t look like that! I don’t mean I walk around naked. It just means that as soon as I come home I have to lose all those tight clothes and snuggle myself under a blanket with my comfy pants and top.

3. I am addicted to the internet. Most of the time I am not even sure what I did to make the time fly so fast and I wonder about that a little three hours later.

4. I love picnics. As soon as I was allowed to walk to the park on my own, me and Charlotte or Floor (my other friend of 27 years) would walk there together with our backpacks full of sandwiches and a blanket.
My all time favorite picnic is the one, me, my little brother and parents planned to go on. But because it started raining we transformed the living room in a picnic area, pushing furniture aside so we could sit on the blanket together in the middle of the room. Eating sandwiches and cold chicken wings while it rained and thunder stormed providing a lightning show outside. My worse picnic would be the one where I fell out of a tree and scratched my whole back open. Oops.

5. The older I get the more I start talking to myself! Yikes!

6. I don’t act my age. When needed I can act my age or even act older and wiser but most of the time I am a real child in love with laughter and silliness. I hope that always stays true.

7. I love drinking from a straw and eating banana squashed on my toast.

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